Hugh Lilly

Kaituhi Tūtahi | Contributing Writer

Everything By: Hugh Lilly


Review: Heaven Adores You

Hugh Lilly on the late singer-songwriter's doco treatment.


Review: For Grace

Hugh Lilly on Kevin Pang's undercooked restaurant doco


Profiles of the American artist Sol LeWitt and the New Zealand ethnomusicologist Richard Nunns explore the passage of cultural knowledge - and all its disruptions, too.


Review: Boyhood

Richard Linklater has always captured the passing of time in surprising, iridescent ways - but even by his standards, 'Boyhood' is startling - 12 years in the making, and worth every minute.


Review: Art and Craft

American documentary has a gem of a story to tell about an eccentric serial art forger who actually hasn't ever committed an indictable crime, but misses the chance to celebrate the charm of its subject.

Internet Histories15.02.11

Cinephilia in the Internet Age

Internet Histories25.01.11

They Were There

Internet Histories03.12.10

The Machine Stops


The Undergraduate Fiction of Wes Anderson

Internet Histories23.09.10

Internet Histories23.08.10

My Kushy New Job

Internet Histories09.08.10

Extreme Solitude

Internet Histories29.06.10

Shutting Themselves In

Internet Histories28.06.10

Recording Blonde on Blonde in Nashville

Internet Histories25.06.10

Why Everything Sucks

Internet Histories15.06.10

What is Love?


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The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

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