Di White

Kaituhi Tūtahi | Contributing Writer

Di White is, in no particular order, a non-practising lawyer; a Cluedo character; a criminal justice and penal reform advocate; a former member of Sweden’s National (and only) netball team; an occasional blogger ; and yet another feminist aspiring to be Lisa Simpson. You can find her on twitter or email her at [email protected]

Everything By: Di White


A 750-page memoir by the 33rd Prime Minister of NZ? Couldn't it be 850 pages? But reading Geoffrey Palmer's "Reform" begs some interesting questions about how - and for who - people compile a record of memories and encounters, as Di White discovers.


Twenty years after it made its debut in a Wellington women's prison, William Brandt, Stuart McKenzie and Miranda Harcourt's searing 'Verbatim' is being paired up with its follow-up, 'Portraits', and performed in Auckland, Manukau and Wellington. Di White talks to Miranda about why and how both plays were made, and still matter.


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The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

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