Vehia Wheeler is a child of Moana Nui a Hiva, born and raised in Waiau, O‘ahu, but traces her roots to Tahiti island and Mangareva island in the South Pacific. She works as a cultural and environmental consultant, and lives on Mo‘orea island in Mā‘ohi Nui (French Polynesia). She is an advocate for the perpetuation of her Indigenous culture in the islands of Tahiti. Mareikura Whakataka-Brightwell was born in Tahiti and grew up in Aotearoa, which gives him a unique dual lens. He now resides in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa (Gisborne), and is a freelance communications specialist and artist in the fields of photography and film. He is an avid proponent of tangata whenua advancement worldwide.
Vehia Wheeler and Mareikura Whakataka-Brightwell on ha'avarevare, a false sense of entitlement to Tahitian narratives, and why the views of Pacific people are not interchangeable.