Editor - New Zealand
Campbell Live's demise was a tragedy, but it also inspired something bloody marvellous, writes Hayden Donnell.
Court documents suggest Kim Dotcom spent $1,000,000 on Grammy winners, ad campaigns and the best studio in the country. So why was his much-derided album such a disaster?
Anthonie Tonnon's new album Successor pits baby-boomers against his own hopeless generation, and manages to find the beautiful and the monstrous in both.
Heart attacks, heartbreak, loss and beautiful voices in song: Silver Stars is what happens when you make American Idol for seniors.
Hayden Donnell talks us through a song he wrote for his friend, musician Sam Prebble, who died last month.
In January this year, a light fitting fell three metres and split Rachel Donnell's scalp. "How bad could it have been?" asks the incident report. "Very serious". Hayden Donnell writes about that afternoon and the seven months that have followed.