Cassie Ringland-Stewart

Kaituhi Tūtahi | Contributing Writer

Cassie Ringland-Stewart is a poet whose writing often reflects her background in literary criticism. These days, you may find her in the cursed fairground of perimenopause, cortisol shooting from the top of her head like a crown, or slumped on the kitchen floor in the grey aftermath. Regardless, she runs the school-gate play-date gauntlet; keeps track of silk purse wishes on a sow's ear budget; & juggles categories that jostle & bleed into one another in a tustle that often leaves her feeling bleak and dizzy. Like the time, while waiting, inwardly frantic, for her first niece to be born, she worked on a 1000-piece round jigsaw puzzle with her 6 year-old & it slowly dawned on her that there may be pieces missing... She is a member of the Dirty Laundry Collective.

Everything By: Cassie Ringland-Stewart


Dirty Laundry is a collective of artists and writers whose exhibition at Toi Pōneke explored invisible labour in the home. Here, they use images and words to stitch together a 'crazy quilt' about how they collaborate and carve space for creativity in their busy lives.


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The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

The Pantograph Punch publishes urgent and vital cultural commentary by the most exciting new voices in Aotearoa.

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